Saturday, October 8, 2011

Punched in the face

Not literally, but still :P.

There's been a lot of silence here, and I apologize for that. I've been feeling really down lately :(.

I've just been feeling like maybe this isn't such a good idea...Maybe I'll never get good at this :(.

But I across this blog post about progressive learning. And I think I'm going to try it out.

Basically, it's breaking things down, and learning them in parts. So instead of trying to do my figure drawings like I used to, I'm going to try to learn different parts at different times :).

Starting with the human head.

So here's a little of what I did today. It's still early, so I may do more...But I want to post here since it's been so quiet :P. It's from Plate 1 (1-4) of Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis :).

And thanks for the poke Julia :). It's really awesome to have someone who cares enough to check up on me :).

P.S. I wonder if doing these digitally is a good idea... If anyone has any ideas, please share your thoughts :)


  1. In response to this and your other reply on my poke comment.. you might not believe me but I feel like I'm going through the exact same thing you are. More and more I've been struggling with that 'Maybe I'm not 'cut out' for it.. maybe I shouldn't be an artist.. maybe I should just give up now.. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, what is the point anyway'.. I don't really have a solution to this (if I did, I wouldn't be like this!) but I don't know, it made me feel much better knowing someone else is going through similar feelings, so maybe it will help you feel better too. I'm really glad that you finally made a post. :) I think it's important to post regularly, even if it might not seem worthwhile, because it counteracts losing track of time being dead.. if you know what I mean?

    As for doing these kinds of exercises digital vs pencil.. I personally usually do them in pencil just because I find it easier (something to do with the feel of the paper I guess), but otherwise I'm not sure. I know some people prefer doing them digitally. The skills are transferable though so I think you can go with whatever you prefer :D

    Also .. have you seen this link? ( You probably have, but just in case you haven't seen it, because it really helped me a lot. It has similar ideas to the parts-learning method you found, but also has some great study tips.

    And do you want to consider making a study pact of sorts with me? :P

  2. Wow, really? I mean...It's HARD to believe that you would be feeling the same way...But I believe you. I guess knowing that someone who's made so much progress DOES make me feel batter. Thanks a lot :). I was tempted to post a weird/funny video like I have in the past to break the silence a little...But I thought maybe that was getting old ha ha... I'll try to be better about posting during depressions though.

    I find doing them in pencil easier too :). But I guess when I do them digitally it might look a little cleaner? I should really invest in some drawing pencils and paper ha ha.

    Thanks a lot for the link :) I really really really need to start applying all of that stuff. Makes me think that all the practice I've been doing right now was (almost) for nothing too ha ha... I guess the whole "mileage" theory is flawed then?

    And yes, I really DO want to consider making a study pact with you! :)

    Believe it or not, I really wanted to ask you that a while ago. (around the time when I asked you if you wanted to be friends) but then I thought "No man, she's already in a study group on CA. Plus, why would she want to do that with a beginner like you?" So it really makes me happy that you asked :) We should discus how it'll work as soon as possible!

  3. Lol yeah! And I think you should definitely consider posting a funny vid instead whenever you're not feeling up to things in the future. (I was getting worried about you! lol!) and getting old, what do you mean haha you posted like only 2 vids ever since I started following your blog (both of which gave great lols xD)

    Hmm also I don't think mileage theory is 'flawed', because mileage is probably the most important factor in improvement .. in my experience, anyway. I find that if I draw more, I learn to be more efficient in the process as well :) But pure mileage driven goals like said in the link can lead to frustration/depression, which actually leads to less mileage and thus less efficiency for me. I think everyone has their own views on this, it's up to you to take what you like and leave what you don't xD

    And you should have asked about the pact before!! (That study group kind of died since pretty much the only other active member besides me is on a hiatus) and don't worry about skill level .. imo is more about the effort and pace. So email me about it ok ^^ (doesn't know your email)

  4. Okay, I will DEFINITELY do that instead of being quiet in the future :). (It makes me really happy to know that you were getting worried, it that bad? xD) I just thought maybe no one else thought that my sense of humour was any good xD But if you enjoy them, then that means a lot :)

    I guess maybe thinking about "mileage only" would be flawed then. Because I think we've both seen artists on dA who have been drawing the same stuff for like 2 years, posting a new picture a week...But not improving all that much. I think I've become a little faster (and better) since I started drawing in January, so I guess I believe in mileage too...And diversity...And other stuff xD

    I wish I knew that before! I remember when I visited the thread a while back you guys were trying to do 100 value studies and you and someone else seemed to be the only ones doing them xD. I also remember reading a little bit of friction between two people about who got to choose what subjects you guys studied :o

    But okay, I'll email you about it a little later, once I figure out what to say and stuff :). As long as you're SUUURE you don't mind my skill level not being around yous :).
