Tuesday, September 13, 2011

People these days :/

Gah...I'm still so busy! But I had about 45 minutes (or something) today, so I decided to pout the time into one drawing. Just because I'm really liking the result that gives me. The scanner squashed the image though! And it's 11pm and I'm already too tired to open Photoshop and fix it :(. I can assure you it looks a little better than the scan shows though.

I know, I know, it's not the best drawing you've ever seen. And it's only ONE :/. I need more time to myself :S.

On a side note as well. There's this dude that gave me a llama on dA the other day. Then he said he found my blog on my profile. THEN he starts telling me that he back-read all the way to when I started this blog :P. And he says that I got a lot better since I started, so I was like "thanks" and I told him that practice and studies really help etc. THEN he starts cussing me out saying that there's NO way I made progress from stick figures, to here with ONLY practice! He thinks I'm doing some secret trick that I'm not telling him or something :P.

Some people just don't get it.

Bye! :)


  1. Not a bad drawing, aside from the off perspective (and I'm not referring to the scanner's squashing, though I can see that too xD) You should really look it up (perspectives in figures) if you haven't already, I only found about it last month or so and it really improved my figure drawing! :D

    Many haha's to the dude from da. reminds me of the time when people would ask where I took my art lessons and when I said I don't take art lessons they thought I was lying so only I could be good at drawing. loll some people aren't destined to art. I'm fine with that xD

  2. Hm...I see what you're talking about....Drawing that line that was supposed to be the "floor" was a mistake xD. Thanks! I'll look that up...Is it a book by Loomis as well? :D

    Ha ha, you're right, but it's sad! I mean...Is hard work really THAT out of style? :P Everyone wants tutorials and shortcuts these days :/

  3. I don't know about other books but Loomis had a lot of great pages on figures in perspective :) think it was his figure drawing book.

    haha yeah tuts right? once I got someone asking for a tut on 'backgrounds' (kwik n easy implied) as soon as I tried to explain that there is no single all in one tut because you need knowledge and practice of composition, values, lighting, etc they got bored and went off, presumably to ask other people for tuts..

  4. Thanks :) I'll read the PDF of the figure drawing book tonight :) Now that I think about it, I think I remember seeing drawing figures in perspective early on in the book :o.

    Ha ha, if only they invested all that energy into practicing :P. I feel like dA is FULL of people like that :/. It's most of why I checked out conceptart.org in the first place. I'm trying top be serious, even if I'm still a beginner :o.

  5. Same! lol and am I so glad I found ca.org. But dA is full of tweens, I have to admit I had a pretty shitty attitude at that age so I can't judge lol! It's great that you are serious about your learning, if other beginners were like that they would save themselves so much grief. (I bet I'll be saying the same thing about myself in a few years O_o) anyway good luck, keep drawing lots! ^_^
