Saturday, September 17, 2011

What the...

Slight rant :/

Yo, I barely had time to sit today, it's bullshit :/.

I had to get on the roof to clean the gutters, even though I said I was busy. (AND my brother could've done it, Not to mention how HIGH our roof is...And how flimsy our ladder is....)
I had to help with groceries, even though I said I was busy.
My younger brother wants to learn how to DJ, so he got a mixer thingy. Guess who had to help set THAT up :/.
I woke up kind of late, because a headache kept me from sleeping last night. :/
People kept BUSTING INTO my room all day from random crap :/.

Needless to say, I didn't have much time today, not to mention I kept getting interrupted. So...The quality of today's study really sucks :(

Blue profile stock by ~psylight69 on deviantART

I'm kinda bummed because the model in the stock photo was really attractive and my crappy painting didn't do her justice :/.

Oh well...I guess I DID learn some stuff while I did it, so that's a plus.

Original stock photo:


  1. Aww! I know how frustrating it is when people keep interrupting... even the time I spend arting ends up being wasted since I wasn't able to concentrate. Points to you for keeping it up anyway!

    What a beautiful photo D: but why did you cover up the face in your painting? I think you should really try some planar/blocky tx studies, it helps with value and 3dimensionality. Try doing observational/photo studies with ink/pencil in only a few tones (see

  2. I guess you need to a calm mind to do things especially one such as drawing. Probably don't insist on doing it when you have agenda that day. I choose to do model kit when I'm realised I have nothing to do at the time of the day. Inner peace. Hee! Hee!

  3. This is a poke comment.

    Dude! (Chris not Dennis aka Katsuden) What happened to all your motivation? Post some new stuff already! Even if just craptastic doodles like me! xD

  4. Hey Julia D: My motivation is...Messed up right now. Craptastic for you and craptastic for me are on two different levels ha ha...Everything I've been doing lately really sucks...I can't help but feel like maybe I'm not cut out for this sometime's y'know what I mean?
